Let me start by saying today's wedding geekery is not going to help you much with your planning, in fact it may distract you from it.

But I'm almost certain it'll make you appreciate your wedding, your marriage, your family and your past all the more ~ which can only be a good thing right?

Dear Photograph is a Tumblr blog created by Taylor Jones and it's dedicated to the most beautiful yet simple concept ~ ‘take a picture of a picture from the past in the present'. Ok it doesn't sound simple but it really is {when you see the photos that are submitted ~ it'll all make sense.}

It has only been up and running for a month but has already received worldwide media attention and captured the hearts of tens of thousands. Find out more info about Dear Photograph here.

Each photo submitted includes a caption which gives you a glimpse into the past and present of the subjects of the photo. There are photos that will will make you smile, laugh and some that may make you cry.

A photo which I thought you lovely readers could really relate to is this one:

‘Dear Photograph, This was the best day. 650 days and counting…'

When I saw this photo and the caption undeneath I was smiling and nodding away thinking ‘that is so true!'

Well, being the inquisitive {aka nosey} soul that I am, I wanted to find out more about the couple in the photo. Turns out Louise, the bride aka @mrspoultry is from right here in the UK and she very kindly agreed to take part in my Wifely Musings feature!

So come back on Saturday for more photos from their wedding day and an insight into just what marriage means to Louise.

For now though, I'll leave you with this image that moved me to tears…

‘Dear Photograph, Thank you for everything we had.'

Submitted by @jonathanstampf via Dear Photograph

It's a photo of Johnathon's Dad ~ here's what he said about the photo on Twitter: The paper photo was taken ~15 years ago. She was battling cancer with grace. Today he is still in love.

Sorry if I got you all teary too but it just shows how we should enjoy each precious moment we have with our loved ones.{Even the during the stressy wedding planning stages, after the honeymoon period and well beyond ‘I do'}

Best wishes from your friendly neighborhood and very soppy ,wedding blogger

Elizabeth x